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Tunnel Lords Released on XBOX 360 Indie Games

Tunnel Lords: Mining Epsilon Eridani is now live on XBOX 360 Indie Games! We are really excited about the quality of the finished release.

You can check it out on the XBOX 360 marketplace at Tunnel Lords on XBOX Marketplace.

You can also check it out on the XNA Creator’s club website here: Tunnel Lords on XNA Creators Club

A PC download can also be found on this site at: The game is currently only available in full content for XBOX 360.

Tunnel Lords Website Launched

Project Tunnel Lords has grown significantly in the past months. She is closing towards final testing and this site has been established to provide updates on the game’s progress. Tunnel Lords is currently in initial XBOX testing for preparation for release on XBOX Indie Games.

Parts of the project still needing work are the game’s music, some select sound effects, mid to late game play balancing, and some of the graphics. As the final placeholder graphics are removed, we will start releasing screen shots and a gameplay trailer.

We are all excited about the project and getting it released. Please contact us with any questions or comments you have with this form.