Tunnel Lords Release Notes

Version 3.0.7 Release Notes Current Version

Release Overview: This release is a full overhaul of Tunnel Lords. It includes updating dependencies to newer versions, making available on new platforms, and numerous minor improvements.

It includes the initial Google Play Store and iOS releases

  • Feature: Autosaving. When starting a new game or loading an existing game, the selection is remembered and when the user leaves the mine, the game is automatically saved.
  • Feature: Difficulty Settings. Three difficulty levels are now available, Casual, Normal, and Hard.
  • Feature: Improved UI design on several screens

Version 1.4 Release Notes

Release Overview: Version 1.4 marked the release of Tunnel Lords for Windows PC. The Xbox 360 version of Tunnel Lords will not longer be updated. Version 1.4 included a couple minor improvements to graphics as well.

  • Added keyboard support (Xbox compatible controller still fully supported)
  • Added ability to switch resolution
  • Added ability to switch between fullscreen and windowed mode
  • Added persistence to options (Tunnel Lords will remember options when closed and reopened)
  • Added in game input cues based on selected primary input device
  • Added ability to switch to keyboard play if your Xbox compatible controller disconnects for any reason
  • Improved building graphics
  • Improved magma graphic
  • Fixed bug allowing title music to unmute after death or victory

Version 1.3 Release Notes: Final Xbox 360 Release

Release Overview: Version 1.3 fixed several bugs on Xbox360 and made minor improvements to gameplay. This is the final release for Xbox 360.

  • Fixed stop bug allowing maps to be created with a row of impenetrable rocks
  • Stopped radiation damage from affecting drillship during game winning sequence
  • Fixed crash bug if a new game is started during the game winning sequence
  • Fixed bug where game is lost if a new game is started before the death animation is completed
  • Added animation of dirt digging out when digging into a new space
  • Allow skipping spaceship launch audio
  • Automatically skip spaceship launch audio sequence when music muted
  • When unmuting the music right after winning or dying, the main menu music track now plays properly
  • Improved box art, death animation, & town building graphics
  • Allowed dying animation to start while partway through digging out a new tile

Version 1.2 Release Notes

First public version release on Xbox 360 Indie Games.